Daily Five and the Literacy CAFE System

I have been using the Daily Five model for my reading group instruction for eight years now.  I love the flexibility that is created using this model, and it gives me time to work with small groups on specific reading skills and strategies.  If you want to know more about this model click here for the explanation and research!

When I first implemented this model, I was not using a reading series.  I pulled different resources to fit the Common Core State Standards, and I used the books the students were reading to guide my instruction.  I also started using this model when I taught first grade, and it went very well.

Over the past few years now teaching third grade, my team and I have used our own resources, the Engage New York Curriculum that is free online, and now we are using Wonders by McGraw Hill as a resource for instruction.  After tweaking the Wonders curriculum to fit our needs for next year, I am planning on going back to using the Literacy CAFE system as well.  I don't think any one reading series can cover everything that needs to be included when working with third grade readers.

I like to make sure that I check in with students frequently on the books that they are reading, and last year I always felt very rushed to do this.  After reflecting a lot this summer, I realized that I don't need to rush to get through the Wonders curriculum (my team and I have a scope and sequence to follow, but we are all flexible and work well together), and I really need to put more time in each day to meet with readers and focus on specific skills and strategies for individual students.

The Literacy CAFE System ,which I have used in the past, allows for individualized and group instruction on specific reading skills and strategies, and the students guide this.  I have had a hard time keeping up with this in the past, but I think that if I dedicate my first round of the Daily Five system to checking in with individual students and keep a schedule that is manageable, then I will not feel so much pressure to get everything in.  Reading the books with students that they love is the best part of reading!

I am confident that I will be able to still fit in the Wonders curriculum and match it to the Daily CAFE strategies and skills.  I also think that the traditional Daily Five model of meeting for mini-lessons in between groups is something I need to go back to doing.  This is something I do a lot at the beginning of the year to train students, but throughout the year I just rush through the reading groups to get things done.  I plan to have mini-lessons in between about reading, writing, and grammar, so that I spend the whole morning until lunch working on these skills!

I created a new CAFE board for myself with a farmhouse theme to match my classroom for next year.  Check it out below!



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